Homeowners truly deal with a lot of responsibility every single day. This is shown as meeting payment deadlines, raising families, paying mortgages, and even security issues. However, perhaps one of the most pressing problems that can affect your home is property damages. Living in the State of Florida, we know first hand how the weather or any other accident can inflict damages to our homes. 

However, that is why we seek to acquire at least some form of house insurance. By doing so, we trust that by paying a monthly fee our insurance company is supposed to provide us with an assurance of coverage and relief in case something goes wrong. 

Unfortunately, that does not always happen. You see, insurance companies at the end of the day are a business themselves and need to create profit and revenue. When you suffer property damage because of a robbery, natural disaster, or fire, you would like to believe that your insurance company will work for you. Instead, they often work to satisfy their own pockets. 

This scenario occurs when you decide to file a claim to an insurance company so that you can receive the coverage that you’re ultimately entitled to. However, to your surprise, they pretty much shut the door in your face claiming that your damages cannot be covered because of the detailing in your policy and the nature of the damage. 

The truth is that a denied homeowner claim in South Florida can inflict a tragic sense of hopelessness and confusion to any homeowner. This is especially true because the purpose of an insurance policy is meant to save you the perils of worrying about the “what to do” next after receiving these damages. One would think that by spending your hard-earned money on these policies that they would work for you and not against you. 

However, if you are currently going through this issue, we are here to tell you that it is not the end of the battle. You are in your legal right to appeal to the insurance company and make sure that you receive the coverage that you work so hard to afford in the first place. Be advised though that this will not be an easy task though and you cannot do it alone. However, by seeking the help of a homeowner insurance attorney you will have a way better opportunity at successfully appealing your denied claim. So, we would be honored if you could join us throughout this detailed account because we shall delve into specifically why your claim was denied and the steps needed to effectively appeal it. Let’s get started.

Reasons Why Your Claim Was Denied

For starters, you should know that your denial will arrive in the form of a letter. This is important because you will need to thoroughly read the details of why the insurance company decided to deny your request. Sometimes, people do not read the fine details and simply miss out on the opportunity to successfully challenge their decision. 

In this circumstance, make sure that you compare their reasons for the denial to what you pay for in your contract with the company. If you find anything that does apply to your policy or is incorrectly describing your contract you immediately have grounds for an appeal. However, there are three things that cannot be negotiated or violated. 

Oftentimes, if you fail to pay a premium or the damage is NOT covered in your contract then there is, unfortunately, nothing you can do. Nonetheless, do not let this discourage you because the insurance companies utilize these two issues to deny claims on a mass scale.

How To Avoid A Claim Denial In Florida

  • Let your insurer be aware of any sustained damage to the property.
  • Be aware and meet the required time limits for effectively filing a claim.
  • Pay your premiums on time to avoid any misunderstandings.
  • Be aware of exactly what and what not your policy covers.
  • After receiving property damages, take all reasonable steps to protect the property and lessen the damages.
  • Document all damages and file a detailed itemized claim to your insurance carrier.

Important Steps to Take To Effectively Appeal A Claim 

Once your claim does get denied, it is important to sit calm. We will now review the necessary steps to take to appeal a claim.

  • If you believe that the claim denial is not fair or has irregularities, begin by documenting the details of your damages. This means that you will want to begin to take pictures of your damages and detail exactly what was damaged and how it happened.
  • Prior to the denial, you received the visit from the insurance adjuster. These are the people that assess the damage and decide if your claim is valid or not. After reviewing your contact and analyzing the document of denial, you can request the visit of an independent appraisal agent. These agents will be able to give you a second opinion of the facts, one of which can facilitate a better argument for an appeal. 
  • With the help of an insurance attorney you can begin to file an official appeal with the necessary proof:
  1. Coverages included in your contract, 
  2. Opinion of an independent appraisal, 
  3. Responsible record of homeownership,
  4. Appeal paperwork, 
  5. Pictures of your damages.

Do The Work & Do Not Wait Any Longer!

We say to do the work because the fact is that appealing an undermined claim is not an easy process. However, we hope that with the provided information you will not feel discouraged any longer to go ahead and file an appeal. Having said that, the best way to proceed with this feat is by seeking the help of the expert attorneys at HomeOwners Claim Denied. We are proud to present you with their services and exemplar track record at delivering results to all of their clients. With ample experience in handling cases like yours, you will ultimately attain the coverage that you’re entitled to. Contact them now!
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